Lockdown at macro levels and quarantines in micro levels are slowly disappearing. Now it is time to move forward accepting the all prescribed preventions and precautions as individual responsibility and accountability to the society around.
The deadly dragon began its mighty game from a small area at an epicentre to end up as a global pandemic to lockdown the entire world! Though in modernity, the world cannot accept the truth that an unknown micro virus grippd and locked the entire world, but that was the truth.
In no time the spread pandemic traversing from country to country and later continents to continents. On the way it grabbed the lives of many affected and quarantined.
Post-Covid will be a very different world for all of us. We do not know how far we will go back from 2020. But we know that, we will be set back atleast by few years in development and economy. Our potentiality should not be under estimated for we are so rich with natural resources and are nationally blessed geographically. We must know our greatness in our traditions and heritages to built up a great character in us. We can progess as a self reliant economy with hard work and commitment keeping away all corrupt means prevailed in the society.
When 9/11 in US, yet another media coverage though was so sensational. But many around the globe could not realise the impending impact on the global economy. Many believed that since it happened on the other side of the globe, they would not be affected. But months later only very few countries’ survived without a bad impact.
As on date the concept is different, for, most of the countries are affected externally and internally. It was not a lockdown for humanity alone but shattered the entire economic systems that balanced a country from micro to macro levels. Every arena of life and business came to stand still instantly.
From East to West and North to South the globe was empty and barren on the streets, roads, markets, bus stops, railway stations, religious spots, malls, beaches or wherever people gathered and assembled so freely. Every human being coccooned and confined to their four walls of the house irrespective of their stature or status.
What we have to learn from this. We have to get self reliant and get strengthen in soft power to sustain us and our generation. Interdependence cannot be curtailed, but learning from this alarmic situation we have identity by our potentials and grow. Let us more concentrate to Indian by food, and our own traditional ways of life. Be confined to ‘gandhian’ thoughts and be a true Indian.
O.C.Cherian Ooramvelil,
Hospitality Management Consultant & Author